Thursday, June 23, 2011

"I searched for chloroform on computer"

Florida. Casey Anthony´s mom took the stand today to give a shocking frase that say a lot, legally, it´s just circumstancial, but for the public eye, means something. "I searched for chlorofom on computer".
Cindy Anthony said that she wanted to type "chlorophill" and she typed it in a wrong way and the google engine asked her if she meant "chloroform". When she was asked if she looked up 84 times "how to make cloroform" she denied it and also that she look up for "self-defence", "neck-breaking" and "household weapons".
Cindy Anthony was indicted on first-degree murder after her 3 years-old daughter was found dead on November 2008 after five month of being disapeared.

Florida. La mama de Casey Anthony subio al estrado hoy a dar una frase shockeante que dice mucho, legalmente, is solo circustancial, pero para el publico, bueno... significa mucho. "Yo busque cloroformo en la computadora".
Cindy Anthony dijo que quiso typiar "clorofila" y lo typio mal y google le pregunto si quiso decir "cloroformo". Cuando le fue preguntado si busco 84 veces "como se hace el cloroformo" lo negó, asi como que busco por "auto defensa", "quebradura de cuello" y "armas caseras".
Cindy Anthony fue acusada de asesinato en primer grado despues de que su hija de 3 años haya sido encontrada muerta en nobiembre del 2008 despues de 5 meses de desaparecida.

is changed

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