Wednesday, June 29, 2011

the terrorist attacks on the International Hotel were ended by the NATO forces

KABUL, Afghanistan-  on Tuesday night the International Hotel was attacked by terrorist, at least there was two explosions and sporadic shooting. The attackers were killed by NATO forces when the Afghan forces could not stoping the them.
On Wednesday morning three attackers were killed by NATO chopper when the insurgents were on the roof, two by the hotel security during the fist moments of the attack and there was another dead, still unclear if it was killed by NATO or Afghan forces.

KABUL, Afghanistan- el martes a la noche el International Hotel estuvo bajo ataques terroristas, al menos hubo dos explosiones y esporádicos tiroteos. Los atacantes fueron asesinados por fuerzas de la OTAN cuando las fuerzas Afghanas no podian detenerlos.
EL miercoles a la mañana tres atacantes fueron asesinados por un helicoptero de la OTAN cuando los insurgentes estaban en el techo, dos por la seguridad del hotel durante los primeros momentos del ataque y hubo otro muerto que no se sabe si fue asesinado por fuerzas de la OTAN o por fuerzas Afghanas.

Photo from agence France-presse

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Official: Lagarde is the new managin director International Monetary fund

PARIS- Christine Lagarde, the ex-economy Minester of France, was named the new managin director of the IMF, this morning. Beating the mexican central bank director, Agustin Carstens.
 This was expected because Lagarde was the best candidate, or at least, the one with most votes on favor.

PARIS- Christine Lagarde, la ex- ministra de economia de Francia, fue nombrada la nueva directora general del Fondo Monetario Internacional, esta mañana. Venciendo al director del banco central de Mexico, Agustin Carstens.
 Esta era una medida esperada dado que Lagarde era la mejor candidata, o al menos, la que tenia mas votos a favor.

Monday, June 27, 2011

French banks want to help Greek

PARIS- On monday, French President Sarkozy, announced that the franch banks are willing to extend the maturity of the holdings of the greek debt. Probably the new maturity will be between now and 1014. "We´ve been working with banks and insurance companies" was what Sarkozy said adding that he hopes other countries adopt similar plans.

Bancos franceses quieren ayudar a Grecia
PARIS- El domingo, el presidente frances Sarkozy, anuncio que bancos franceses estan dispuestos a extender el vencimiento de la deuda griega. Probablemente los nuevos vencimientos seran entre ahora y 2014. "hemos estado trabajando con bancos y companias de seguros" fue lo que dijo Sarkozy sumandole que espera que otros paises adopten planes similares.

from the nytimes:Sarkozy and Prime Minister Fillon anouncing the new plan
                               Sarkozy y prime minister Fillon anunciando el nuevo plan

Casey Anthony is competent

MIAMI- Casey Anthony(25), accused of killing her 2-years-old daughter in 2008 is ,according with three psychologists, competent to face the trial where she is charged with seven counts, including first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse (aggravated for being the mother) and misleading police, in her daugther´s death. Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty, the exact thing Anthony´s attorney was trying to save the woman from claiming she was mentally unstable.

MIAMI- Casey Anthony(25), acusada de matar a su hija de 2 años en 2008 es, de acuerdo con tres psicologos, competente para afrentar el juicio donde tiene siete cargos, incluyendo asesinato en primer grado, abuso de menore agravado (por ser la madre) y desviar la investigación policial. Fiscales buscan la pena de muerte, exactamente lo que el abogado de la mujer trataba de salvarla declarando que era mentalmente inestable.

.Casey Anthony photo from the trial
 Foto del juicio de Casey Anthony

Ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich found guilty, including trying to sell Obama's Senate seat

USA- The ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Biagojevich was found guilty on 17 of 20 counts, including the most escandalous one, when Obama won the presidential ellection and had to leave the Senate possition, four years ago, the Illinois Gov. tried to sell Obama´s free Senate seat

El ex gobernador de Illinois, Rod Blagojevich fue encontrado culpable, incluyendo por tratar de vender el asiento del Senado de Obama

USA- El Gov. de Illinois Rod Biagojevich fue encontrado culpable en 17 de 20 cargos, incluyendo el mas escandaloso, cuando Obama gano las elecciones presidenciales y tuvo que irse de la posicion del Senado, hace cuatro años, el Gov. de Illinois trato de vender el puesto libre de Obama.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Pippa Middleton, the new Usher´s model

Fashion&Music-The r&b superstar, Usher wants to Pipa Middleton (the England princess Kate Middleton´s sister) model for his new lingerie line. "“I don’t think there’s a more beautiful, more stunning, more talked-about woman in the world at the moment,”  Usher said.

Pippa Middleton, la nueva modelo de Usher

Fashion&music-La superestrella del r&b, Usher quiere que Pippa Middleton (la hermana de la princesa de Inglaterra, Kate Middleton) modele para su nueva line de lenceria. " No creo que haya una mujer mas hermosa, mas impactante y mas de la que se habla en este momento" dijo Usher 

Chavez is dying?

According with the US intteligence, the Venezuelan President is fighting against cancer in Cuba. The Nuevo Herald say that the caudillo¨s health is "complicated", and the emergency travel to the island exlain that.
Nicolas Maduro,venezuelan canciller, said that Chavez "is fighting the battle for his life".

Chavez esta muriendo?
De acuerdo con la inteligencia de USA, el presidente venezolano esta peleando contra el cancer en Cuba. El Nuevo Herald dice que la salud del caudillo es "complicada", y el viage de emergencia a la isla exlica eso.
Nicolas, Maduro,canciller venezolano, dijo que Chavez "esta peleando la batalla por la vida".

Marriages of the same sex allow in NY

NY-Gov. Andrew Cuomo this morning signed the law project that alllows marriages of the same-sex in the state of New York.
Specialist say that this is a really good thing for Governor thinking in 2016 democratic presidential nomination

NY-Gob. Andrew Cuomo esta mañana firmo el proyecto de ley que permite los casamientos de mismo sexo en el estado de New York.
Los especialistas dicen que esto es muy bueno para el Gobernador pensando en las nominaciones demócratas presidenciales para 2016

Friday, June 24, 2011

The most stupid thing i ever heard, the US want to deport a u.s. military

MIAMI- Elisha L. Dawkins, 26, is a veteran of the Army and Navy, with a distincted service in Iraq and at Guantánamo Bay, but now, this great country wants to deport him claiming he lied on the passport application.
Mr. Dawkins’s arrival here from the Bahamas as an infant. He was raised to believe he was a citizen, his lawyer contends, something the state and federal authorities did not challenge during his seven years in the military. Still unclear why he was indicted five years after he received his passport.
“The military believes he’s an American citizen,” the lawyer, Clark Mervis, told Judge Cecilia M. Altonaga of Federal District Court here last week, noting that Mr. Dawkins had “secret” security clearance when he served in Guantánamo.

Lo mas estúpido que he escuchado
MIAMI- Elisha L. Dawkins, 26, es un veterano del Ejercito y de la Marina, con un distintivo servicio en Iraq y Guantanamo Bay, pero ahora, este gran pais quiere deportarle alegando que mintió en el formulario para el pasaporte.

Mr. Dawkins’s arribó a USA desde las Bahamas cuando era un niño. EL fue criado para pensar que era un ciudadano, su abogado dijo, algo que el estado y las autoridades federales no criticaron durante sus siete años en la fuerza. Todavia no esta claro porque fue acusado despues de cinco años de recibir su pasaporte. 
“ La fuerza pensó que el era un ciudadano americano", el abogado, Clark Mervis, le dijo a la jueza Cecilia M. Altonoga de la corte del distrito federal aqui la ultima semana, notando que el Sr. Dawkins tenia una habilitación de seguridad secreta cuando sirvió en Guantanamo.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

"I searched for chloroform on computer"

Florida. Casey Anthony´s mom took the stand today to give a shocking frase that say a lot, legally, it´s just circumstancial, but for the public eye, means something. "I searched for chlorofom on computer".
Cindy Anthony said that she wanted to type "chlorophill" and she typed it in a wrong way and the google engine asked her if she meant "chloroform". When she was asked if she looked up 84 times "how to make cloroform" she denied it and also that she look up for "self-defence", "neck-breaking" and "household weapons".
Cindy Anthony was indicted on first-degree murder after her 3 years-old daughter was found dead on November 2008 after five month of being disapeared.

Florida. La mama de Casey Anthony subio al estrado hoy a dar una frase shockeante que dice mucho, legalmente, is solo circustancial, pero para el publico, bueno... significa mucho. "Yo busque cloroformo en la computadora".
Cindy Anthony dijo que quiso typiar "clorofila" y lo typio mal y google le pregunto si quiso decir "cloroformo". Cuando le fue preguntado si busco 84 veces "como se hace el cloroformo" lo negó, asi como que busco por "auto defensa", "quebradura de cuello" y "armas caseras".
Cindy Anthony fue acusada de asesinato en primer grado despues de que su hija de 3 años haya sido encontrada muerta en nobiembre del 2008 despues de 5 meses de desaparecida.

is changed

Oil to $92 and 60 million emergency barrels

Crude oil plunges below $92 a barrel after IEA announces plans to release 60 million barrels of emergency oil stockpiles and hints at further action if needed. Half of the release will come from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve

EL crudo de petroleo por debajo de u$s92 el barril después de que IEA(agencia internacional de energía, por sus siglas en ingles) haya anunciado lanzar 60 millones de barriles de emergencia y se esperan mas acciones como esta de ser necesario. La mitad de estos barriles de emergencia son de U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve( reserva estratégica de petroleo de los Estados Unidos) 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

16 years on the run and caught

Authorities say fugitive Boston crime boss James 'Whitey'  Bulger has been arrested by the FBI in Santa Monica, Calif., after 16 years on the run

Monday, June 20, 2011


In the spanish newspaper "La razon" was published a picture of the protest realized in Plaza Neptuno, Madrid, where you could see a protestant, popularlly called "indignants", WITH OUT THE HEAD. There are rumours that the newspapers has been manipulated the pictures of the coverage and this time nobody realized of the error. Just in case, SOMEONE CALL JOHNNY DEPP

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Al Qaeda has the Bin Laden¨s sucessor

The terrorost group said that the Egyptian-born Ayman al-Zawahri has succeeded late leader Usama bin Laden