Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"Act of Valor" the movie without actors

Scene from the movie
Escena de la pelicula

Who haven´t said, watching an action movie, “that would be great if those guys were really soldiers. Well, it looks like we are going to find out how cool it is with real soldiers.
“Act of Valor,” is a movie without actors and without special effects. The “actors” are real active-duty Navy SEALs. Oh! Another thing, the fire, it is real fire.

The producers and director of the movie went to the studio company with a simple idea, they get in and said we want to do an action movie. The studio said, “ok, no problem,” but like Scott Waugh, one of the producers and directors, say in an interview for Fox News, “We want to use real guys, we want to hire Navy SEALs.” The company said that it was impossible to do that so they decided to do the movie on their own.

Scoot Waugh and Mike “mouse” McCoy produced and directed the movie; it took them 4 years to finish it. The reason why it took so much time? Because the “actors” had to do their jobs….yes, the Navy SEALs were in combat, so the scenes had to be done between combats.

I believe this movie is unprecedented for so many things, but one characteristic of this movie is just incredible. Like Waugh said to the studio company “We don´t want stars, we want heros.”
That is the fact that is incredible, that in this movie there are not stars…..ARE REAL HEROS…REAL U.S. NAVY SEALS

“Act of Valor” la película sin actores
¿Quién no ha dicho, viendo una película de acción, "eso sería genial si esos tipos serían  soldados reales." Bueno, parece que vamos a saber que tan bueno es con soldados reales.

"Acto de valor," es una película sin actores y sin efectos especiales. Los "actores" son comandos SEALs de los Estados Unidos reales en servicio activo. ¡Oh! Otra cosa, el fuego de combate, es fuego real.

Los productores y el director de la película fueron a la compañía de estudio con una idea simple, entraron y digeron que querían hacer una película de acción. El estudio dijo: "OK, no hay problema", pero como Scott Waugh, uno de los productores y directores, dijo en una entrevista para Fox News: "Queremos utilizar tipos reales, queremos contratar Navy SEALs.", La compañía dijo que era imposible hacer eso por lo que ellos decidieron hacer la película por su cuenta.

Scoot Waugh y Mike "mouse" McCoy produjeron y dirigieron la película, les tomó 4 años para terminarla. La razón de por qué se tardó tanto tiempo? Debido a que los "actores" que tenía que hacer su trabajo .... sí, los SEALs de la Marina estaban en el combate, por lo que las escenas tuvieron que ser hecho entre combates.

Creo que esta película no tiene precedentes por muchas cosas, pero una característica de esta película es simplemente increíble. Al igual que Waugh dijo a la compañía de estudio "No queremos estrellas, queremos héroes."

Y ese es el hecho que es increíble, que en esta película no hay estrellas ..... HAY VERDADEROS HEROES ...VERDADEROS COMANDOS SEALs DE LA MARINA DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS .

Syria, the new Afghanistan?

International- Messages from White House and State Department say there is hope of a political solution but other ways to stop the brutal Assad´s regime are being considered.
AP-Idlib, Syria. Rebel exchange fire with Assad troops.
Idlib, Syria.
Rebelde intercambia fuego con tropas de Assad.
8,feb 2012
"We don't want to take actions that would contribute to the further militarization of Syria because that could take the country down a dangerous path," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters. "But we don't rule out additional measures if the international community should wait too long and not take the kind of action that needs to be taken."
U.S. never talked about arm the Syrians rebels but did it say about “additional measures.” Arab nations like Qatar and United Arab Emirates said that there are possibilities of “military assistance.”
It is a very complex circumstance; the civil-war ghost is haunting. Help the rebels with training and armament could put an end to this situation or it could be the trigger for a civil war.
Other fact, days ago two military ships from Iran arrived to Syria crossing Egyptian waters, with Egypt permission.  One of the ships is a destroyer of the Iran´s Navy and the other is a supply naval ship. According to Iran, these two naval ships were sent to conduct military training with the Syria´s Navy.
This training was singed a year ago, but it raises a lot of question the fact that those trainings have to be made now. When the Arabs are talking about an aid of armament and that the U.S. have not ruled out the idea of military assistance for the rebels.

 Syria, la nueva Afghanistan?
Internacional- Mensajes de la Casa Blanca y del Departamento de Estado dicen que hay esperanza de una solución política pero que otros formas de parar el régimen brutal de Assad están siendo consideradas.
"No queremos tomar acciones que puedan contribuir a una futura militarización de Syria porque eso podría llevar al país en un sendero peligroso,” dijo Jay Carney el secretario de prensa de la Casa Blanca. "Pero nosotros no descartamos ninguna otra medida adicional si la comunidad internacional espera mucho tiempo y no toma ningún tipo de acción que necesite ser tomada”
EE.UU. nunca habló de armar a los rebeldes sirios, pero si dice de "medidas adicionales". Las naciones árabes como Qatar y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, dijeron que existe la posibilidad de "asistencia militar".
Es una circunstancia muy compleja, y el fantasma de la guerra civil esta asechando. Ayudar a los rebeldes con entrenamiento  y armamento podría poner fin a esta situación, o podría ser el detonante de una guerra civil.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Amine el- Khalifi, the plan to attack the U.S. Capitol

Northern Virginia- Amine el-Khalifi entered the U.S in 1999 from Morocco with a tourist visa. The visa expired after a year and he staid illegally in the U.S. working in several types of jobs, El-Khalifi never applied for the citizenship or tried to renew the tourist visa.

Undated photo of  Amine el-Khalifi
He came into the radar because several investigations conducted by the FBI. The Federals were investigating terrorist suspects. One of them was el-Khalifi, who called the attention of the agents after a conversation he had with an undercover FBI agent. In this conversation he said he had the intention to attack the U.S.

After this, the FBI started to get more in touch with him. FBI agents made him believed they were from Al-Qaeda and introduced him to “Housein,” a member of Al-Qaeda, when actually he was a FBI undercover agent. “Housein introduced el-Khalifi to “Yusuf,” a top member of Al-Qaeda, of course, he was a top federal agent.

The security forced involved wanted to know if el-Khalifi was working alone so they started to arrange meetings with him. Even, Housein, Yusuf and el-Khalifi tested guns and bombs. They discuss what the target was going to be, a restaurant in Washington were U.S. generals and admirals used to go, some federal buildings, but they decided that the best target was going to be the Capitol.

They prepared the attack, el-Khalifi was going to break through the security of the Capitol with a gun, killing the first guards and then once inside he will detonate the bomb on his vest. He even said to Housein to install a remote control in the vest, so, if he was captured, Housein was going to be able to set the bomb off.

The idea was at least, kill 30 people.

Amine el Khalifi, 29, was captured when he was heading to the Capitol with a inoperative gun and a vest with, what he though, it was a vest with explosives. There were no explosives in the vest and the gun was useless and the public was never put in danger.

No details of the investigation were giving but apparently Amine el-Khalifi  was working alone.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The queen has dead

Whitney Houston´s body is taken from her hotel room
at Beverly Hilton Hotel

Ditails of Whitney Houston death are coming out, Several things the police said about it. She was found in her hotel room. She was going to attend the pre-Grammy party.
Houston was at her hotel room when police and members of the fire deparment came in to the room and found the singer in the bathtub unconcious. She was with her head underwater, when the emergency team tried for several minutes to revive, she just did not respond.
The police informed that "several pill bottles" were found in the room but no alcohol.
Family members of the multi-winner´s Grammys said that she was taken Xanax. It is a drug generally prescripted to treat anxiety. When this pills are mixed with alcohol, they cause drowsiness.