Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A power ranger centenced to death

California- Skylar DeLeon, the power ranger in the 90´s series, was centenced to death after found him and his wife guilty of the death of Thomas and Jackie Hawks. The incident took place in 2004, DeLeon and his wife were to see a yate with intention to buy it but when they meet the owners, they forced them to signed the transference of the yate and then they killed them by tying the couple to the anchor and throw them to the ocean.
 The ex-tv star admited have killed an old lady when he robed her in 2003.
 DeLeon was condemned to the letal injetion and his wife to two life terms without the possibility of parole.

California- Skylar DeLeon, el power ranger de la serie de los 90´s, fue condenado a muerte despues de ser encontrado el y su esposa culpable de la muerte de Thomas y Jackie Hawks. El incidente ocurrio en 2004, DeLeon y su esposa fueron a ver un yate con intencion de comprarlo pero cuando se encontraron con los dueños, los forzaron a firmar la transferencia de la embarcación y los mataron atandoles al ancla y lanzandoles al oceano.
 La ex estrella de tv admitio haber matado a una anciana en 2003 al robarle.
 DeLeon fue condenado a inyeccion letal y su esposa a dos cadenas perpetuas sin posibilidad de libertad condicional.

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