Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why nothing will happen if the US enter in default

Tell me something, do you really understand what is the US situation? Do you really understand what a default is? Me either, so I did a little search and I understand nothing so I did a re-search and I understand what is, actually I lived it. I was living in Argentina when the country entered in default. I´m going to try to explain to you what is a default? What happen with a country in default?
 I´m going to start with my own experience, ok, first what you hate more, HISTORY, a little bit of history, it will be short, I swear. In 2001 Argentina entered in default, what happened here? A social revolution, the president, Dr. de la Rua resigned, do you like Shakira?,well the de la Rua´son went out with her for like 10 years, the de la Rua family are really good with girls, not so much with numbers. Anyway, in Buenos Aires the people protested in the street, and it was so bad that actually there was one dead and who knows how many injured, socially it was a disaster, there was two presidents in 48 hours, just a disaster but economically it´s actually a little bit more easy to explain, there was a lack of jobs, just like that, and people had to leave the country because it was impossible to find a job, will this happen in the US? Or in Greece? I don´t think so, why? Let me explain.
 In Greece it did happen a social protest but I don´t think that the economy people, like I like to called to the real economy, the economy of a family, the economy of a person, of the country with be affected like in Argentina because Greece is an European country with a strong economy and opportunities to do a good come back. Before to go what it matters, the U.S., let me explain what a default really is. Default means “failure to pay” so… if a person cannot pay its bills, well, enter in default, it just that, have you never found yourself unable to pay your credit card? I had, and I’m alive, nothing happen, I was a little bit short of money and that´s all, well that is what happen with a country enters in default, of course if you live in a weak country like Argentina, maybe, just maybe will affect you and for most people it won´t be the end of the world, like I said, there was a lot of people complicated but for example, all I had to do in that time was walk and walk trying to find the best place to exchange dollars.
 So, this is the thing, when you cannot pay your credit card, what do you do? Go to the bank and say: I cannot pay my credit card, I need a payment plan. What they do after spend like 4 hours asking you your exact situation, the let you pay your “default” in quota, you pay your bill in months and of course with an interest.
 If the US entered in default is exactly what will do, will it affect you?, if you are the  owner of Ford, the president of Coca Cola, or Donald Trump, maybe and just maybe because this kind of people play in the market and wall street and that kind of things and in a country in default, the market will be weak, I don´t recommend put your retirement saving in a default market but if you have money and you are willing to lose it, PUT YOUR MONEY IN A DEFAULT CONTRY, you will buy stocks for a penny and then you can sell them for hundreds.
 I know haven´t being very professional in my explanation, but I didn´t want to be, the idea was show the default country situation not being like the TV economist that say they will be clear and then start to pull numbers from under the table.
 So, this is what I recommend you to do in a situation like the US´. If you have some foreign money, pay attention to the exchange but not only to that but also to the market, WAIT, i´m not saying tune Bloomberg 24/7, actually that will only confuse you, what you need to do is just know if Wall Street is up or down, just that and if the market of the money you have is up or down, example, if you have euros, well, after breakfast, tune some European channel and look how is the IBEX (Spain market) for example, why? Because if the European market is up, probably the  next day the euro will be up and you will able to exchange  at a better price. If you don´t have euros, what you have to do is just DON´T BUY ANYTHING AT LONG TERM, no mortgage, no credits, no nothing, I mean, a new TV, well, try to buy it at 3 month, why? Because the economy will be unstable and who knows what can happen and if you buy something at 2 years maybe you will need that money and because the process will be unstable too, so, what you buy today at $10 in a month or two can be at $5.
 Again, what will happen if the US actually enters in default? Well, it will be harder to get a scholarship, for example, your boss won´t increase your salary (this is just the company excuse to not increase you the salary because if the people, in a default country have money it´s easier to get out or the default because the people will spend and the economy will start to function again), what will happen? basically, things that are hard to find will get harder. But things that you really need will be there, the gas price will increase, and the expensive products will be even more expensive but everyday thing will be there.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The man who spent almost a day dead

Johannesburg, South Africa- A man woke up in a morgue fridge 21 hours after he “died”.
 The man had an asthma attack and doctors said to the family that the man had died so they took him to a morgue, 21 one hours after, the man woke up. He started yelling and the morgue workers, running away from the fridge room, eventually they come back and removed him  from the fridge, said the health department spokesman.
 The men who spent almost a day in a morgue was taken to a hospital but he was stable and after the medical review, he came back to his home.


Johannesburg, Sud Africa- Un hombre despertó en la heladera de una morgue 21 horas despues de que "murio".
 El hombre tuvo un ataque de asma y los doctores les dijeron a la familia que habia muerto, asi que lo llevaron a la morgue, 21 horas despues, el hombre desperto. El comenzó a gritar t los trabajadores de la morgue salieron corrieron del la habitacion de las heladeras, eventualmente, volvieron y sacaron al hombre, dijo el vocero del departamento de salud.
 La persona que paso casi un dia en la morgue fue llevado a un hospital pero estaba estable y despues de una revisacion medica, el volvió a su hogar


Two people familiar with negotiations tell The Associated Press that the NFL and players have reached a deal to end the lockout

Dos personas en conocimiento de las negociaciones digeron a La Prensa Asociada
que la NFL(liga nacional de football) y los jugadores han llegado a un acuerdo para terminar el paro.



Saturday, July 23, 2011

Amy winehouse was found dead

London- The jazz-blues singer was found dead before 4 pm this afternoon, at her aparment in Camden, Noth London, the police said. The police still is treating this dead as "unexplained" but it is a public knowledge that she  has been struggling with drugs all her life. She died at age of 27, just like, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain and Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones were the same age.

Londres- La cantante de blues-jazz fue encontrada muerta antes de las 4 pm de esta tarde, en su apartamento de Camden, Norte de Londres, la policia dijo. La policia todavia trata esta muerte como "inexplicable" pero es de publico conocimiento que ella a luchado con la droga toda su vida. Murio a la edad de 27, justo como Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain y Brian Jones de Rolling Stones.

91 killed at terrorist attack

Norway- The man how killed 91 people, most youths, at an island summer camp, were kids of the government party spent their holidays,  was identified as Anders Behring Breivik, whom is apparently a right-wing extremist and Christian fundamentalist.
agence france press
 So far there is no evidence of a second shooter or conspiracy but is an ongoing investigation. The killer entered the camp using a police uniform and opened fire against the people and there at least one explosion, probably there was a second one, but still to confirm.
 Some survivors have said the kids and people at the moment of the attack, started to jump to the water and swim far from the coast.    
 The military has already arrived to Oslo to secure the place and government buildings.

Noruega- El hombre que mató a 91 personas, mayormente jóvenes, en un campamento de verano en una isla, donde chicos del partido del gobierno pasaban sus vacaciones, fue identificado como Anders Behring Breivik, quien es aparentemente, un extremista de derecha y un fundamentalista Cristiano.
 Hasta ahora no hay evidencia de un Segundo tirador o de una conspiración pero es una investigación en curso. El asesino ingreso al campamento vestido con un uniforme policial y abrió fuego con contra las personas presentes y al menos, hubo una explosión, probablemente hubo una segunda explosión, pero todavía está por confirmarse.
 Algunos sobrevivientes han dicho que chicos y personas, en el momento del ataque, empezaron a saltar al agua y nadir lo más lejos de la costa.
 Militares ya han arribado a Oslo a asegurar la zona y a los edificios del gobierno.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

16 were the Anonymous´ memers arrested

Long Island,New York, search warrent at a
 suspected Anonymous member.

US- In a FBI raid across the country, yesterday morning, sixteen members of the worldwide hacker group were arrested and there were more than 35 search warrants. This attack to the group is part of an ongoing investigation were the international money transference site, PayPal was attacked by Anonymous.
  According the Justice Department, the attack to PayPal was in retribution, because the site stop the donation to Wikileaks, this last site is an inspiration for Anonymous members.
 Not only in the US were the arrests, in London a 16-years-old kid who aka is T-flow was also arrested. The department identified the suspects in the California indictment as Christopher Wayne Cooper, 23, aka “Anthrophobic;” Joshua John Covelli, 26, aka “Absolem” and “Toxic;” Keith Wilson Downey, 26; Mercedes Renee Haefer, 20, aka “No” and “MMMM;” Donald Husband, 29, aka “Ananon;” Vincent Charles Kershaw, 27, aka “Trivette,” “Triv” and “Reaper;” Ethan Miles, 33; James C. Murphy, 36; Drew Alan Phillips, 26, aka “Drew010;” Jeffrey Puglisi, 28, aka “Jeffer,” “Jefferp” and “Ji;” Daniel Sullivan, 22; Tracy Ann Valenzuela, 42; and Christopher Quang Vo, 22. One individual’s name has been withheld by the court.
All of them are charged of conspiracy and damage to international protected computer. This kind of charges goes to a maximum of 10 years in prison and $250,000 fine. 

Estados Unidos- En un raid a través del país, ayer de mañana, 16 miembros del grupo mundial hacker  fueron arrestados y hubo más de 35 órdenes de allanamientos. Este ataque al grupo es parte de una investigación en curso donde el sitio de transferencias monetarias internacional, PayPal fue atacado por Anonymous.
 De acuerdo con el Departamento de Justicia, el ataque a PayPal fue en retribución por haber cancelado las donaciones a Wikileaks, este último site es una inspiración para miembros de Anonymous.
 No solo en los Estados Unidos fueron los arrestos, en Londres un chico de 16 años, quien se hace llamar “T flow” fue arrestado. El Departamento de Justicia identifico a los sospechosos en la acusación de California como
Christopher Wayne Cooper, 23, alias “Anthrophobic;” Joshua John Covelli, 26, alias “Absolem” and “Toxic;” Keith Wilson Downey, 26; Mercedes Renee Haefer, 20, alias “No” alias “MMMM;” Donald Husband, 29, alias “Ananon;” Vincent Charles Kershaw, 27, alias “Trivette,” “Triv” alias “Reaper;” Ethan Miles, 33; James C. Murphy, 36; Drew Alan Phillips, 26, alias “Drew010;” Jeffrey Puglisi, 28, alias “Jeffer,” “Jefferp” alias “Ji;” Daniel Sullivan, 22; Tracy Ann Valenzuela, 42; and Christopher Quang Vo, 22. El nombre de uno de los individuos fue retenido por la corte.
 Todo ellos están acusados de conspiración y daño a una computadora internacional protegida. Este tipo de cargos van hasta un máximo de 10 años de prisión y $250,000 de fianza.

fbi arrest warrent video/video del allanamiento del fbi

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Anonymous not so anonymous

EXCLUSIVE: FBI arrests more than a dozen suspected members of Anonymous in what appears to be a nationwide takedown of the notorious hacking group

EXCLUSIVO FBI: Arrestan a mas de una docena de sospechosos miembros de Anonymuos, lo que parece ser un ataque a nivel nacional a al notorio grupo de hackers

Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Don´t ask, don´t tell" continues

Los Angeles- A federal apeals court least Friday has determined that the un-official "don´t ask, don´t tell" policy continues after being canceled. The military policy that say that a guy sexual tendency of a military must being secret, known as "don´t ask, don´t tell" was confirmed temporarily based on new information provided by the federal goverment.

Los Angeles-Una corte de apelaciones, el ultimo viernes, determinó que la politica no-oficial de "no preguntes, no digas", continua despues de ser cancelada. La politica militar que dice que una tendencia sexual guy de un militar debe ser secreta, conocida como "no preguntes, no digas" fue confirmada temporalmente basada en nueva información provista por el gobierno federal.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Pentagon was hacked

Washington-The Pentagon has confirmed that computers with intel about Afghanistan, Iraq, US satellites secrets information were hacked. This is the second time of a security breach of this magnitude, the other was fourth month ago, when 24,000 files with weapon desings were stolen.
his time were compromised files with 
"Designs of satellites, UAV's - the unmanned aerial vehicles - cutting-edge military technology,"  Acording with  
Deputy Secretary of Defense William Lynn.

 Suspects? to hard to tell? i don´t think so, an attack of this characteristic is impossible to do by hackers on a basement or by college student. This was done by a foreing intelligence agency, and the ones with the potencial to hack the Pentagon are just a few. The most suspected? Russia and China.


Washington- El Pentagono confirmó que servidores con información sobre Afghanistan, Iraq, información secreta sobre sartelites estadounidences fueron hackeados. Esta es la segunda vez de una violación de seguridad de esta magnitud, la otra fue hace cuatro meses cuando 24.000 archivos diseños de armas fueron robados.
 Esta vez fueron comprometidos archivos con "diseños de satelites, UAV - los vehículos aéreos no tripulados - tecnología de vanguardia militar". Segun el Deputy del Secretario de Defensa William Lynn.

 Sospechosos? muy dificil de decir? no lo creo, un ataque de estas caracteristicas es imposible de hacer por un hacker en un sotano o por un estudiante universitario. Esto fue hecho por una agencia de inteligencia extranjera, y las que tienen el poderío como para hackear al Pentágono son unas pocas. Los mas sospechados? Rusia y China.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Reactions of players and MLB to thursday´s tragedy

On thursday´s game a 39 years old man died when fell form aproximated 20 feet trying to cath a foul ball. The man was at the game with his six years old son.

"Every time you see fans trying to catch a ball, I always get scared. We toss the balls to the fans just trying to be nice. It's not like we want anybody to get hurt." -- Boston Red Soxdesignated hitter David Ortiz.


"It's really beyond tragic. It's just so sad. It's such, a friendly part and a happy part of the game, especially with a father and son and for it to end in such a tragedy, it's just full on brokenhearted. It's just such a tough, tough thing, it really is." -- Milwaukee Brewers closerJohn Axford.


"It's not been an easy day. There's gonna be a stretch here where we're all gonna grieve for a while." -- Oakland Athletics reliever Brad Ziegler.


"Everybody has a heavy heart, regardless of what side you're on. You go out and do your thing on the field. ... Everybody handles it differently. There's not one piece of medicine that you can give somebody because we're all human beings and all handle things differently." -- Oakland manager Bob Melvin.


"I know I get nervous when I see guys reaching over the upper deck for foul balls all the time, foul balls come up there, and it shows you, boy, you don't have to fall very far for something bad to happen. You just can't believe it when you see it." -- Cincinnati Redsmanager Dusty Baker.


"It's a very sad situation. I just put on TV and listened to Nolan Ryan and very sad. Very sad moment for baseball and the way all that happened. His family was there. A very, very dramatic thing. In the meanwhile it's just something you always wonder about it that somebody doesn't get hurt. I saw a kid get hit yesterday behind the first-base dugout. Luis Salazar get hit by ball. But that's part of the game. But when somebody loses their life when somebody is trying to be nice, I've never seen that before. That's why I think it shocked a lot of people because that never happened before in baseball -- I don't remember it happening in the game." -- Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen.


"Players have been giving baseballs to kids in the stands as long as we've been in the game and baseball is always saying `Hey, you have to be really careful with those things.' Guys are trying to do something nice and this happens and it's really sad, it's heartbreaking. I think it's a situation that baseball has really been on top of. Like I said, it's something you always worry about when you throw a ball up, people scramble for it, they might get hurt, and that's kind of what baseball has been talking about for a long time here. I don't even know how to describe it. It's gut-wrenching. It's really sad." -- Minnesota Twins manager Ron Gardenhire. 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The News of the World will be shut down

United Kingdom-The newspaper will be shut down, the sunday will be the last publication. This decision was taken in a moment were the newspapar is involve in a hacking scandaluos. The News of the World hacked the phones and e-mails account of severial people, one of this people was Milly Dowler, she was a 13 years old girl who was kidnaped on march and the paper hacked Milly´s voice mail phone, they even eraced messeges to resieved new ones, this kind of hacking make believed to Milly´s family and police that she was alive and of course, the evidence or at least part of it, is gone.
 The investigation brought to light that 4.000 phone numbers were in the journal´s documents. There is all kind of people involve: sportmen, politicians, even, victims of  7/7 of 2005 london terrorist attacks and militaries who were killed in Afghanistan and Irak were also spyied.
 The Milly scandal made that companies suspended their publicity in News of the World and the effect was a fall in the incomes of the company, that and all the shocking investigation made imposible to the media organization to keep its doors opened.

James Murdoch, son of the owner, was the responsable to do the announce
James Murdoch, hijo del dueño, fue el responsable de hacer el anuncio
Reino Unido- El periodico New of the World sera serrado el domingo sera la ultima publicación. Esta decisión fue tomada en un momento donde el periódico esta envuelto en un escándalo de hacking. El News of the World hackeo móviles y cuentas de correo electrónicos de varias personas, una de estas personas era Milly Dowler, ella era una niña de 13 años que fue secuestrada en marzo y el diario hackeo el correo de voz del móvil de Milly, incluso, borraron mensajes para recibir nuevos, este tipo de hackeo hizo creer a la familia de Milly y a la policía que ella estaba con vida, y por supuesto, la evidencia o parte, fue destruida.
 La investigación saco a la luz que 4.000 numeros de teléfonos estaban en los documentos del periódico. Hay todo tipo de personas: deportistas, políticos, incluso, victimas de los atentados terroristas en Londres del 7/7 del 2005 y militares que murieron en Afghanistan e Irak también fueron espiados.
 El escándalo de Milly hizo que companias suspendieran las publicidades en el News of the World y el efecto fue una caída en los ingresos de la compania, eso y la shockeante investigación hizo imposible que la organización de medio pudiera mantener sus puertas abiertas

The first San Fermin bull race has ended clean and with out problems

Spain- The cattle Torrestrella has made a fast race of 2min 37sec without big problems. The pack stayed together during most of the race, just one black bull felt and came at last, but it was a fast and clean race with just two people translated to the hospital.


España- La ganaderia Torrestrella ha hecho una carrera rapida de 2min 37sec sin grandes problemas. La manada se mantuvo junta durante la mayoria de la carrrera, solo un toro negro cayo y llego ultimo, pero fue una carrera rapida y limpia con solo dos personas trasladadas al hospital

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Man with machete holding 30 kids

Malaysia-  A man with a machete is holding 30 kids and teachers as hostage at a kindergarten.

Malasia- Un hombre con un hacha esta manteniendo como rehenes a 30 niños y maestros en un jardin de infantes

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A power ranger centenced to death

California- Skylar DeLeon, the power ranger in the 90´s series, was centenced to death after found him and his wife guilty of the death of Thomas and Jackie Hawks. The incident took place in 2004, DeLeon and his wife were to see a yate with intention to buy it but when they meet the owners, they forced them to signed the transference of the yate and then they killed them by tying the couple to the anchor and throw them to the ocean.
 The ex-tv star admited have killed an old lady when he robed her in 2003.
 DeLeon was condemned to the letal injetion and his wife to two life terms without the possibility of parole.

California- Skylar DeLeon, el power ranger de la serie de los 90´s, fue condenado a muerte despues de ser encontrado el y su esposa culpable de la muerte de Thomas y Jackie Hawks. El incidente ocurrio en 2004, DeLeon y su esposa fueron a ver un yate con intencion de comprarlo pero cuando se encontraron con los dueños, los forzaron a firmar la transferencia de la embarcación y los mataron atandoles al ancla y lanzandoles al oceano.
 La ex estrella de tv admitio haber matado a una anciana en 2003 al robarle.
 DeLeon fue condenado a inyeccion letal y su esposa a dos cadenas perpetuas sin posibilidad de libertad condicional.

Monday, July 4, 2011

A little gift to all americans in 4th of july and to his friend

Tour de France- American Tyler Ferrer won today his first Tour stage giving a gift to all americans in 4th of july and to his dead friend, Wouter Weylandt, how died on a crush when he was racing the Giro d´Italia.

Tour de France- El americano Tyler Ferrer gano hoy dandoles a todos los americanos un regalo de 4 de julio a su amigo fallecido, Wouter Weylandt, que murio en un choque mientras corria el Giro d´Italia

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chavez admited he had cancer

Cuba- on Thursday night Hugo Chavez shocked the nation giving a speech from La Habanna, were he is since three weeks, saying he had a emergency surgery in order to remove a cancerous tumor.
Officially, the Venezuelan goverment said that  Chavez had been treated for a pelvic abscess, a collection of pus deep inside the abdomen. Hugo Chavez said that this is true but when he was in the medical facility in Cuba, doctors discoveried this cancer cells and they had to do a second surgery to remove them.

Cuba- El martes por la noche Hugo Chavez shockeo a la nacion dando un discurso desde La Habanna, donde ha estado desde hace tres semanas, diciendo que tuvo una sirugia de emergencia para remover un tumor cancerigeno.
Oficialmente, el gobierno Venezolano dijo que Chavez habia sido tratado por un abseso pelvico, un nucleo de pus dentro del abdomen. Hugo Chavez dijo que esto era verdad pero que cuando estaba en el complejo medico en Cuba, los medicos descubrieron las celulas cancerigenas y tuvieron que realizar una segunda cirugia para removerlas.

Photo: Agence France-Presse
 You can see Pres. Hugo Chavez with a considerated weight- lost giving the speech from Cuba
 Puedes ver al Pres. Hugo Chavez con una considerada perdida de peso dando el discurso desde Cuba